Alright so I will admit, I have an obsession (ok maybe a few but...). I absolutely love knitted toys. The more vintage looking, the better. Animals of all shapes and sizes, finger puppets, little monsters, you name it, I love it. A few of the books I have include a pattern or two of little knitted critters. However, I want to start putting together a collection of books that dedicate themselves to knitted toys. The Itty-Bitty Toys book by Susan B. Anderson is now on the top of my list of must haves. Ever single pattern that I've seen knitted up from that book makes my heart melt. I have this future goal that when we do decide to start a family and I get pregnant, I am going to knit a toy a month for the baby. I figure that is a sure way to make sure that he or she has a good start to a handmade toy collection (and a way to pass the time). I don't have to wait to start making some now right?
Both of the above photographs: Alana of Never Not Knitting